President’s Message March 2025
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings to all members of the National Association of County Administrators (NACA). It is truly a rewarding experience serving as your president and representing this organization.
As you know, NACA provides us with a valuable network of professionals who have committed to public service, with whom we can share insights into county-specific management challenges and opportunities.
NACA encourages professional excellence to improve the management of county government. Our members are county administrators & managers from across the country, and many are members of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), and their counties belong to the National Association of Counties (NACo).
We are all proud to provide support for professionally administered county government. NACA is valuable in several ways, such as providing a peer network of professional county administrators and promoting continuing professional development, and amplifying essential work performed by you every day leading the nation’s counties.
For information on what we are involved in, please check the NACA website at for information or follow us on LinkedIn. I very much value every member of this organization, so please feel free to contact me with any ideas on how to make NACA more of a valued resource for you. County government provides many critical and essential services, so let’s all promote our work to the fullest extent possible! I am very excited to announce our 3rd NACA Virtual Idea Exchange on May 8, 2025, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm CST via Zoom, thanks to our partner Mission Square Retirement. Please review our website for additional details regarding this exciting upcoming conversation among county administrators and other professionals.
I hope everyone had an inspiring Black History Month as we celebrated African Americans' past and present contributions to this country and beyond. Once again, thanks for your support. Wishing everyone Happy Women’s History Month. Let’s all take the time to honor the many outstanding achievements and contributions women have made in this world., and I look forward to seeing you all at the 2025 NACo Annual Conference on July 11-14, Philadelphia City and County, Pa.
Yours Truly,
Kenneth N. Wilson, MPA, CTA, ECI
President, NACA