NACA Board of Directors: 2021 Elections
Kenneth Wilson (right) and Steve Mokrohisky (left, on screen) thanked Tim Hemstreet (center) for his leadership as NACA President from July 2019-July 2021.
NACA held elections for Officers and At-Large Directors, along with special elections for Regional Vice President vacancies on July 11, 2021, during the NACo Annual Conference in Prince George’s County, Maryland, during the general membership meeting portion of the Idea Exchange. Officers and At-Large Directors will serve terms through July 2023, and the Regional Vice Presidents will serve the remainder of the terms through 2022, upon which time they can be reconsidered for nomination and election for a full two-year term.
The following members were presented by the Nominations Committee headed by NACA Past President, Hannes Zacharias, and elected to the Board of Directors:
Steve Mokrohisky, President | County Administrator, Lane County, Oregon
Kenneth Wilson, President-Elect | County Administrator, Franklin County, Ohio
Tim Hemstreet, Past President | County Administrator, Loudoun County, Virginia
Betsy Keller, Secretary-Treasurer | Chief Administrator, El Paso County, Texas
Michael Colbert, Vice President, Midwest Region | County Administrator, Montgomery County, Ohio
Robert Wilson, Vice President, Mountain Plains Region | County Administrator, Cass County, North Dakota
Dallin Kimble, Vice President, West Coast Region | County Administrative Officer, Mariposa County, California
Al Vanderberg, At-Large Director, Midwest Region | County Administrator, Ottawa County, Michigan
Phil Smith-Hanes, At-Large Director, Mountain Plains Region | County Administrator, Saline County, Kansas
Ryan Pelletier, At-Large Director, Northeast Region | County Administrator, Aroostook County, Maine
Dena Diorio, At-Large Director, Southeast Region | County Manager, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Birgitta Corsello, At-Large Director, West Coast Region | County Administrator, Solano County, California
Congratulations to the new and continuing members of our Board of Directors!
Kenneth Wilson was serving his term as Midwest Regional Vice President, and was succeeded by Michael Colbert. Betsy Keller was serving her term as Mountain Plains Regional Vice President, and was succeeded by Robert Wilson.
As President, Steve Mokrohisky will act as the Executive Committee Chair. As President-Elect, Kenneth Wilson will act as the Program Committee Chair. As immediate Past President, Tim Hemstreet will act as the Nominations Committee Chair.
Thank you to the following NACA members who are leaving their positions on the Board of Directors:
Hannes Zacharias completed his term as Past President. Hannes is currently a Professor of Practice in Local Government at the University of Kansas.
Jimmy Jayne, due to retirement, completed his term and stepped down as Secretary-Treasurer.
David Twa, due to retirement, stepped down as West Coast Regional Vice President.
Vivian Calkins-McGettigan, due to retirement, completed her term and stepped down as Southeast At-Large Director.
All have been awarded Honorary Membership in NACA for their years of service and contributions to the Association and the profession.
The current NACA Board of Directors is as follows:
NACA Officers
Steve Mokrohisky, President | County Administrator, Lane County, Oregon
Kenneth Wilson, President-Elect | County Administrator, Franklin County, Ohio
Tim Hemstreet, Past President | County Administrator, Loudoun County, Virginia
Betsy Keller, Secretary-Treasurer | Chief Administrator, El Paso County, Texas
Regional Vice Presidents
Michael Colbert, Vice President, Midwest Region | County Administrator, Montgomery County, Ohio
Robert Wilson, Vice President, Mountain Plains Region | County Administrator, Cass County, North Dakota
Ian Coyle, Vice President, Northeast Region | County Administrator, Livingston County, New York
Randell Woodruff, Vice President, Southeast Region | County Manager, Brunswick County, North Carolina
Dallin Kimble, Vice President, West Coast Region | County Administrative Officer, Mariposa County, California
At-Large Directors
Al Vanderberg, At-Large Director, Midwest Region | County Administrator, Ottawa County, Michigan
Phil Smith-Hanes, At-Large Director, Mountain Plains Region | County Administrator, Saline County, Kansas
Ryan Pelletier, At-Large Director, Northeast Region | County Administrator, Aroostook County, Maine
Dena Diorio, At-Large Director, Southeast Region | County Manager, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Birgitta Corsello, At-Large Director, West Coast Region | County Administrator, Solano County, California
NACo Board Representative
Scott Sorrel | County Administrator, Peoria County, Illinois
ICMA Board Liaison
Raymond Gonzales | County Manager, Adams County, Colorado
LGHN Board Liaison
Gabriel Rodriguez | Assistant to the County Manager, Adams County, Colorado